01732 760000 info@strategic.uk.net


  • a successful business owner, senior executive or professional partner, or have already retired from those backgrounds.   
  • looking to build a long term relationship with a trusted adviser who will collaborate with you, your family members and other advisers as required.
  • an expert in your own field but appreciate the need to have experts in wealth management available to help you achieve your goals.
  • lacking the time, or recognise that you have better things to do with your time, than manage your wealth yourself and you recognise the wisdom of delegation.

Most business owners have a CFO, financial director or accountant to help them in their business but very few have a personal CFO to help manage their personal finances. Running a business can be all-consuming, leaving little time to plan for the future and family security. We help business owners, senior executives and professional partners ensure that their personal finances are in order so that they can concentrate on their business, benefit from all the advantages that ownership can bring and enjoy life.

  • I haven’t got time to deal with personal finances as I’m far too busy running my business. Can you help?
  • How can I become financially independent from my business?
  • How much is my business really worth and what options are there to exit?
  • My tax bill is too high, are there ways to pay less?
  • My spouse would like me to set up a contingency plan should something unforeseen happen to me. What do I need to put in place and how much does it cost?
  • How can I prepare for life after work?

Professionals often lead extremely busy lives leaving little time for family, friends, outside hobbies or for future financial planning. Whilst in many ways the partners in professional firms have similar issues and concerns to business owners the ability to sell their partnership share on retirement can often be more limited with earn outs being a common method utilised to buy out retiring partners. Building financial independence is a key objective to reduce of even eliminate the dependency on the sale of the partnership share.

We work closely with many professionals in particular, accountants, lawyers, and business advisers to help them plan for the future.

  • Can you keep me informed of my planning opportunities and various financial strategies because I don’t have time to research them?
  • How can I reduce tax and maximise retirement savings?
  • How can I create a phased approach to retirement?
  • Have I got enough to retire?
  • My house is one of my largest assets. How should I think of it differently in retirement?
  • My spouse would like me to set up a contingency plan should something unforeseen happen to me. What do I need to put in place and how much will it cost?
  • As new questions and situations arise, who can I rely on for advice?

Family life can often be defined by a range of events and periods of time during which there can be significant changes to both life and finances. We refer to these periods as transitions. Effective planning throughout the course of the transition will smooth the path and enable informed decisions to be made. We have identified in excess of 60 transitions that can impact families. Take a look at our Life Transitions download to see which transitions you are going through now or are likely to encounter in the future.

  • How can I help my children and support my ageing parents?
  • Busy house is turning into empty nest – what does the next phase of our life look like?
  • How can we keep our hard-earned wealth in the family for current & future generations?
  • How can we create a smooth transition from work to retirement?
  • Can you co-ordinate advice for the whole family?

Retirement means different things to different people. This in part depends on where you are on life’s journey. Whether retirement is a distant dream, approaching rapidly, or you are already living in retirement, you can benefit from our experience and insight.  Creating a happy and successful retirement can generally be achieved if we make the most of the resources we have available. By making optimum use of your two most precious resources, your time and money, and ensuring they are in alignment with your values, you can create and maintain your best possible life. 


  • How do I make sure I don’t run out of money?
  • I’ve saved all my life, which funds should I tap into first?
  • Should I downsize, resize or upsize my home or buy a second home abroad?
  • Can I afford to help my children during my lifetime?
  • If I pre-decease my spouse, who can I trust to help them and my children?
  • After years focused on work and raising a family, how can I maintain social and intellectual growth?
  • How will my spending change throughout retirement?


Strategic Wealth Management

1 East Point

Seal, Kent TN15 0EG

T. 01732 760 000

F. 01732 763 816

E. info@strategic.uk.net

Strategic Wealth Management Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA does not regulate tax advice, trusts or wills. Registered in England and Wales no. 2205890.